Strength Training For Running

Strength Training For Running


It’s Marathon season, so if you’re feeling inspired and looking to either start running or get more serious about running, then strength training can help you achieve this. PRIMAL are here with some exercises that can help you remain injury free and at your best.


Strength training can help you get there faster and remove the barriers in your body and mind as you begin your own running journey.


Here are just some of the exercises that you should be doing to reap rewards when running.


5 Top Exercises for Running




Single leg exercises are great for strengthening your legs, but making sure you can address any weakness in one over the other.


Lunges work your glutes and your quads and are great for extending your joints - hips, knees and ankles.


Add weight with a kevlar sandbag, dumbbells or kettlebells, but body weight is a great starting point.




Barbell Squats


A staple compound exercise, this one is a must for runners as we can target the hamstrings, quads, glutes and hips all in one exercise.  Not only is it good for strength to propel you and encourage endurance, but it is great for flexibility and working your core.


All of this will help with injury prevention.




Single-leg knee raises


Again working on giving balance to both sides of your body, tightening up your core and strengthening your hip flexors.  


If your gym doesn’t have a chin/dip frame these can be done from standing. Add a weight overhead to really work the core and add a bit of upper body.


Knee Raises




Don’t neglect upper body when it comes to training for running. Push-ups are good to help your posture on a run and improve your arm drive. 


There’s also evidence to suggest that push-ups can improve overall stamina, so if a race or marathon is your goal, it’s wise to add push-ups to your strength training program.  


Elevate yourself with dumbbells for a greater challenge and deeper stretch.


Push Ups


Glute Bridges


The glutes are the largest muscle in the body and important for overall lower body strength.  Glute bridges are a fantastic isometric exercise for conditioning and injury prevention.


Glutes are important in hip extension and the hamstrings in storing and releasing energy at fast running speeds.


Glute bridge


With these exercises and some proper stretching before and after, you’re free to enjoy the runners high. Good luck to all on their own journey.


Strength. It’s in us all.