Gym Trends To Watch In 2024


Hyrox = Highly Rated


If you haven’t heard of this competition yet, there will be no avoiding it this year. The rise of Hyrox training and gyms becoming affiliates has been nothing short of astonishing. This competition has brought a lot of attention back to functional training, and created a new need for gym owners to keep an eye on in 2024. 

Hyrox exercises include running, the skier, sled push, sled pull, burpee broad jumps, sandbag lunges, rowing, farmers carry and wall balls.  So you’re going to want to give your members a clear space with a track, plenty of kettlebells, wall balls, sandbags, treadmills, rowing machines and skiers.  You can find all the equipment you need in our functional training section, and if you need help rearranging your gym floor to make sure you’re able to smoothly accommodate different training types, you can contact our gym design team.


Gym’s will have their Plate Full

Or rather full of plates! Plate loaded machines. Primal have seen a huge surge in plate loaded machines with a 300% growth in sales for this type of kit in 2023 and a further hundreds of pre-orders for new units for 2024. 

Plate loaded machines obviously offer that sweet spot in between free weights and resistance machines - they’re safe, have less limitations and allow you to effectively isolate different muscle groups.  The rise in female gym goers heavily targeting legs continues, and therefore so does the demand for lower focussed plate loaded machines. 

We have developed 10 new Performance Series plate loaded machines to launch in January 2024 to fulfil the increased demand globally. The key lines are chest presses and leg based machines, specifically glute and quad focussed pressing machines.  This range will allow you to accommodate the uplift in female members, who are serious about strength training, and not miss out to the competition.

Give me more

People want to get more out of everything these days, whether that be their budget, their training, their time or their space.  That’s why we are seeing a massive trend in all-in-one home training solutions. 

Primal’s best-selling unit for 2023 was the Personal Series Hiit Bench - this product sells out every time we get them in stock and the pre-orders continue to grow for 2024 deliveries.

Covid workouts may have long gone but the rise in in-home training continues. Whether this be because we work from home more now or have realised the potential of the space we all have to compliment any gym membership.


PRIMAL - powering 2024

Whatever trend you’re jumping on this year, PRIMAL have you covered.  Sign up to our newsletter for helpful content, news on exclusive discounts and 10% off your first order.