Celebrating Her Strength: Removing The Barrier
More women than ever are getting into strength training and this is a trend that’s set to grow further still. PRIMAL are proud to support the savvy women entrepreneurs that have honed in on this trend and want to make strength training possible for every woman and girl.
Research has shown that in spite of the interest growing, for some there is a fear of the gym floor, noted as being the number one barrier to women joining gyms. This is largely attributed to the imbalanced ratio of men to women, especially in the free weights section.
So what’s the solution?
Remove the barrier.
Female fitness entrepreneurs have spotted the gap they can fill and are building female only gyms that don’t compromise on strength equipment, but offer a safe and secure space for women to train. PRIMAL have partnered with many of these pioneers in female empowerment and here are just a few inspiring trailblazers.
Sorella Strength
Sorella is one of Scotland’s leading female-only gyms, with an inviting boutique gym environment geared around women’s needs and a focus on the most popular gym day for women - leg day.
Understanding the importance of leg training for overall strength and muscle development, Sorella boasts an extensive range of lower-focussed training equipment from PRIMAL. This almost unlimited selection allows women to target and develop specific muscle groups while also achieving a well-rounded workout. In addition, Sorella offers a variety of cardio and functional training equipment to meet all member needs.
We worked closely with Sorella to ensure the best and most innovative leg and glute focussed equipment, and the full suite of best in class PRIMAL machines for the rest of the muscle groups, for this flagship facility.
Female Body Workouts
Preston’s only exclusively female gym, PRIMAL were delighted to work on another first with founders Freya and Becky. PRIMAL understand the importance of the look and feel of the environment when it comes to creating a space that is designed for and inviting to women. Sporting unique customised equipment, from pink detailing to fully branded FBW dumbbells, this gym is truly made for women and by women.
Female Body Workouts want to get as many women into fitness as they can without pressure, fear or embarrassment. They have made a warm community and thought about the busy Mums getting into or back to fitness with the design of their classes.
PRIMAL are proud to provide best in class equipment to this latest empowering fitness facility - including pieces exclusively designed with the female user in mind, like our hip thrust machine.
Strong Girl Collective
The Norwich based women’s gym is a sanctuary for women and a community base for females of all fitness levels. The woman-run gym offers monthly memberships, small group classes and intensive transformation programs. The aim is to cultivate positivity and confidence in women who are all like-minded and want to learn how to lift in a space made purely for them.
The gym floor boasts a full suite of PRIMAL equipment for a full body workout - from strength based equipment to cardio, there’s nothing this stunning space doesn’t offer (including a disco ball!).
The pin-select machines are ideal for beginners and the free weights are top of the range and suitable for any strong woman.
PRIMAL champion every body and fully support any business that can help get more people into strength training and fitness in general.
Strength. It’s in us all.